Q: If I do not have insurance currently, am I still able to be seen?
A: Yes, we have self-pay options available. Please contact our office for specifics.
Q: If I have not met my deductible yet, do I have to pay at the time of the visit?
A: No, we will pend patient responsibility until we have received written confirmation from your insurance as to the exact amount due. Payment in full will be expected prior to any future visits. If you are unable to pay your deductible, we will work with you to set up a payment plan.
Q: If I receive a patient balance due statement and not able to pay the full amount, what do I do?
A: Call our office, and we will make payment arrangements for you. Call (813) 870-4438, option 2 for billing.
Q: Am I responsible for any balance remaining after my insurance has processed my claim?
A: As a participating provider with your insurance, the only patient balance due will be any difference between the allowed amount given to us by the insurance company and the amount paid.
Q: If I have questions regarding my bill or my insurance status or any other general question, what number do I call?
A: Our main office at (813) 554-8986.
Q: Who do I contact to schedule an appointment in one of your satellite offices?
A: Our Tampa and Brandon offices can schedule appointments at any locations at (813) 870-4438 or (813) 324-2613.
Q: How long will my appointment take?
A: Depending on how sick some of our patients are, times may vary; however, typically, new patient appointments take 30-45 minutes. Follow-up visits typically take between 15-30 minutes.
Q: Will online appointments be available?
A: Not at this time.
Q: How early should I show up prior to my appointment?
A: Please arrive 15 minutes early so that we can verify your registration information and update any forms.
Q: Is there someone in the office that speaks Spanish?
A: Yes, Dr. Cuenca speaks fluent Spanish, as does our Medical Assistant and one of our front desk clerks.
Q: What do I do if my insurance doesn't pay for my medication (s)?
A: Please contact our office and allow 5-7 days for our office to try and obtain an override from your insurance. It may be possible for us to give a limited supply of samples. The Doctor will review the medication if there are further problems.
Q: How do I get copies of my medical records?
A: If you contact our office and explain where the medical records are going, we will send them out for you. If they are for personal use, there is a charge of $1.00 per page for the 1st 25 pages and .25 per page on pages 26 and over. If it is for another Doctor's office, there is no charge. Please note that we will need the name, address, and phone number of the Physician-we will send them directly to the Doctor. All requests for medical records takes 5-7 business days for processing. To request records, click the Links Tab, look under Forms, and click on the Authorization For Release of Medical Information to pull up the form for printing.
Q: The Doctor advised that I need to have a procedure done. How long will I have to wait?
A: Procedures usually take 5-7 business days from the date of notification, including time for scheduling and obtaining the authorization. Our office will follow up with the place where the procedure is being done to give them the authorization information.
Q: What is the wait time for a new patient appointment?
A: We are currently accepting new patients for all Doctors in our office. The availability will depend on the location that you are seeing our Doctor, as well as their individual schedules. However, urgent requests are taken, and patients are usually seen with 2-5 days of the request.
Q: What are your locations and directions to your clinics?
A: Please see the link on our website.
Q: What are your hours of operation, and are you open on holidays?
A: We see patients from 8-4 Monday through Friday. We are closed the following holidays: New Year's Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Independents Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Q: How do I get prescription refills?
A: Please have the pharmacy contact our office directly. When possible, we will have the prescription refilled within 24-48 hours if you have had a recent appointment. Otherwise, we may deny the refill and have the pharmacy notify you to schedule an appointment.
Q: Can I get results of my biopsies, sonograms, labs, and x-rays over the phone?
A: Due to the increasing volume of phone calls for lab/X-ray results, our office will no longer give lab or diagnostic results over the phone effective April 1, 2005. A follow-up appointment must be made, and the results will be reviewed and discussed at the time of follow-up. Patients will be notified via phone call if an earlier appointment is necessary.
Q: If I have problems that the immediate staff is not able to resolve who do I contact and how do I contact them?
A: If you have an unresolved issue, please feel free to contact the Office Manager at 813-554-8617.
Q: Can I see one of the nurses for a new patient or follow-up appointment?
A: Currently, Dr. Arasu's Nurse Practitioners will see patients for follow-up appointments only. All new patients must see one of our Doctors for the initial visit.
Q: What is the turnaround time for responses from your staff on prescription, questions for the Doctor's or their Nurse Practitioner's, billing, referrals, or other issues that I may have?
A: You should receive a response from one of our staff members within 48 hours.
Q: Why do you need to know my race and ethnicity on the registration form?
A: The federal government asks that we obtain this information in order for us to meet the Meaningful Use criteria for our EMR system.
Q: What is "Share of Cost"?
A: Your share of cost is the number of medical bills that you must have before Medicaid can pay any of your other incurred medical bills for you. Your share of cost works like a deductible on a health insurance policy. It is based on the amount of your monthly income. You must have allowable medical expenses equal to the amount of your share of cost each month before you can become eligible for Medicaid for the rest of the month.